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©Image 5491330|Château de Villandry

Villandry Castle and Gardens An unsuspected wealth

Among the châteaux of the Loire Valley, Villandry owes its renown to its exceptional terraced gardens.

The gardens of Villandry, art and style

The gardens surround the Château de Villandry like a jewel case… Gardens to be discovered from above, from the belvedere, and then up close to appreciate all their charms and subtleties.

Completed around 1536, Villandry is the last of the great châteaux built on the banks of the Loire in the purest Renaissance style. It was designed by Jean Le Breton, Secretary of State to François I. After serving as ambassador to Rome, where he had studied the art of gardens, Jean Le Breton had for many years supervised and directed the construction of Chambord on behalf of the Crown.

In the 19th century, the traditional garden was demolished to create an English-style park around the château, in the style of the Parc Monceau in Paris.

In 1906, the château was purchased by Dr Joachim Carvallo, born in Spain in 1869 and great-grandfather of the current owners. He saved the château from demolition and created the present-day gardens, in complete harmony with the monument’s Renaissance architecture. He was also a pioneer in opening monuments to the public.

The six gardens of Villandry

Villandry’s gardens are laid out on four terraces. While each has its own identity and aesthetic, they nevertheless form a harmonious whole:

  • At the lowest terrace level, THE DECORATIVE POTAGER, comprising nine squares of identical size but with different interior motifs, covers more than a hectare.
  • THE ORNAMENTAL GARDENS unfold on the second terrace. Planted with tall boxwoods and flowers in symbolic patterns and colors, they comprise two lounges of greenery on either side of the moat.
  • LE JARDIN DES SIMPLES is a utilitarian garden inherited from the Middle Ages. Today, some thirty aromatic and medicinal plants are grown here.
  • LE JARDIN D’EAU is organized around a pond, a mirror in which the sky is reflected.
  • THE LABYRINTH, with its long, winding but untroubled path, symbolizes man’s long and arduous journey towards God.
  • LE JARDIN DU SOLEIL transports visitors to a place at once at odds with and in harmony with other gardens.
Our advice

August: Les Nuits des Mille Feux!

While the last glimmers of daylight still bathe the gardens in color, the flames of over 2000 candles gradually illuminate the paths and reveal the boxwood patterns. Villandry invites you to enjoy a stroll punctuated by entertainment, ending with a fireworks display that promises a poetic evening.

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