Fougeres Hd Credit Francois Christophe StudioprizmFougeres Hd Credit Francois Christophe Studioprizm
©Fougeres Hd Credit Francois Christophe Studioprizm|Francois Christophe Studioprizm

Our little castles have character 5 small castles to rival the giants

Chambord is the symbol of the power of King François I, who made this hunting estate one of the most beautiful castles of the Renaissance.

Beauregard, Talcy, Fougères, Villesavin and Troussay

If you’re planning a vacation in the châteaux of the Loire Valley and are looking for a few nuggets that aren’t as popular as the main monuments, then these little châteaux are for you. These little châteaux are for you. In just a few lines, we take a look at 5 small châteaux situated between the 4 pillars of Blois, Chambord, Cheverny and Chaumont-sur-Loire.

French gardens

Talcy Castle

A singular history for this château, built as a farming estate in the heart of the Petite Beauce region (north of Blois). In a style somewhere between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Salviati family is no stranger to this style, given its origins. You’ll also love this château for its connection to literature: the Salviati daughter made herself famous with Ronsard’s poem “Ode à Cassandre”. The various owners who have left their mark on the château have also been strong personalities.

You’ll love the romantic feel of the place, both in its decoration and its gardens.

Our advice: take the guided tour to understand the life of the place over the centuries and its owners.

Practical info 

Our selection around Chambord

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