The Loire: a home for birds 42 species

Port St DyePort St Dye
©Port St Dye|OT Blois Chambord

42 species of birds take refuge on the river

Migration is part of the river cycle

The “middle” Loire boasts a wide range of natural environments that are key to maintaining a rich and diverse avifauna (all birds).

The natural environments are varied: open water, sandy shores, boires, riparian forests and hedgerows, alluvial woodlands, ponds and gravel pits, flood meadows… These biotopes enable each species to meet a number of vital requirements: nesting and reproduction, rest, food…

As a result, the Middle Loire presents major ornithological challenges:

  • by regularly hosting over 20,000 waterbirds,
  • with 42 species of European interest (Annex I species of the 1979 Birds Directive),
  • by the presence of migratory species that are vulnerable but well represented locally (black-headed gull, osprey, little egret, etc.).

Nature guides from the Maisons de la Loire, the Centre des espaces naturels and local associations will help you identify them.

source : Val de Loire Mission
