
  • Town, village, neighbourhood
Mairie, 1, rue de la buissonnière, 41120 Cormeray
Cormeray is a small commune in west-central France, in the Loir-et-Cher department and Centre region.
It is part of the canton of Vineuil and the Blois "Agglopolys" agglomeration community.
The inhabitants of Cormeray are called Cormeraisiens and Cormeraisiennes.
The 1569 inhabitants of the village of Cormeray live in a total area of 10.31 km2, with a density of 152 inhabitants per km2 and an average altitude of 100 m.
Nearby towns include Chitenay, Cellettes, Cour-Cheverny, Cheverny and...


All year 2025 -


Mairie, 1, rue de la buissonnière, 41120 Cormeray
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