
  • Town, village, neighbourhood
Mairie, 20, rue Nationale, 41150 Rilly-sur-Loire
Located on the left bank of the Loire, 25 km from Blois and 4 km from Chaumont-sur-Loire, Rilly-sur-Loire is an agricultural commune bordering the Indre-et-Loire department, close to the cities of Amboise (10 min.), Tours (40 min.) and Blois (20 min.).
Located on the tourist route of the châteaux, Rilly offers an attractive living environment thanks to its proximity to the great river, the "Loire à vélo" itinerary and the GR3. The village has a farm campsite, "Le Plessis", and a bed &...


All year 2025 -


Mairie, 20, rue Nationale, 41150 Rilly-sur-Loire
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